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This is a room.
The room is dark.
A man sits at the table.
A chair.
It's possible that the space is just nothing.

The man is still breathing.
There is weak light in the room.
Nobody knows anything about this man.
Nobody knows.


Name / title / year: Debris Company / Nobody knows/ 1996
Concept, text: Jozef Vlk
Choreography / cast:
M. Piterka, Jozef Vlk, Grazia Pergoletti
Music: Franklin Cox (US), M. Burlas
Stage design / costumes: Anabella Žigová, Martin Piterka
Voice: Gabriel Gbadamosi (UK)
René Schütz (CH)

. Pokorný paeek


Production Index /1990-2021/

1990 Comic mirror
1991 ..on the ground.. / a dato vs. hubris company
1991 Screaching pipes of nothingness / hubris company
1991 Point on the horizon / a dato vs hubris company
1992 Ulysses / hubris company
1992 Something in the way / hubris company vs a dato
1993 UBU-celzia krona / hubris company
1994 Murphy / hubris company

1995 code:QUTNXZ84/8Y / debris company

1995 Nobody knows / debris company
1997 Ode to filth / theatre la fabriks_du merlan vs debris company
1997 Biology of an obstacle / debris company
1998 Cosmidiot / debris company
2006 Soliloquy / debris company
2007 Dolcissime sirene / debris company
2007 Ortopoetikum / maja hriesik vs. debris company
2008 HEXEN / debris company
2010 Between a rock and a hard place / produced for MESA Prague
2010 MONO / debris company

SOFA: / presented by debris company
2012 power power dance / debris company_verte_anna steller
2012 Oblaky / martin cicvak_debris company
2012 KOLISKY_battle zone / debris company
2012 EPIC / debris company
2014 CLEAR / debris company

2015 ROOTS / debris company dance studio Banska Bystrica

2017 WOW! / debris company
2017 Únos Európy / debris company

2019 JÓB / debris company / Peter Lomnický
GLITCH / debris company

MONOGRAPH / debris company / Dáša Čiripová
2021 HUNGER / debris company



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