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„It seems like the characters are faced with extinction. In reality the world is swarmed with characters. And it is necessary to continue in making them up, so that we can see them. If they are bad, or funny.
It would be better if they didn´t get swept off the earth´s surface.”

Elias Canetti, The Secret Heart of the Clepsydra

The dynamics of changes in the world is not only based on the incredible tempo and increasing stress of a person, but it is a materialization of human relationships - multilateral, unbalanced, repeatedly mediated by motion in a relationship between the reason and the outcome, instrument and the goal, need and necessity, expression and the meaning.

HEXEN is an association drama filled with relationships, but also loneliness. The characters are dealing with situations in their own way and somewhere further, a completely different perspective arises. An interpretation perspective of these casual conversations, current conflicts, one-minute-phone-calls, commands and relationships and relationship chains, as in each of them there are different, individual dimensions picked up, leading to completely different and surprising closures - where the common arises into unbelievable and magical.

Name / title: Debris Company /HEXEN
Duration: 60 min.

Zuna Kozánková, Emil Píš, Daniel Raček,
Stanislava Vlčeková and the fifth one

Stanislava Vlčeková, Daniel Raček
Director and music: Jozef VLK
Stage design: Marija Havran
Visuals: Martin Piterka
Costumes and visual collaboration: Eva Rácová
Light design: Jozef VLK, Martin Piterka
Jozef VLK, Peter Krajniak, Jozef Lupták,
Peter Šesták, Boris Lenko



Theatre music:


Production Index /1990-2021/

1990 Comic mirror
1991 ..on the ground.. / a dato vs. hubris company
1991 Screaching pipes of nothingness / hubris company
1991 Point on the horizon / a dato vs hubris company
1992 Ulysses / hubris company
1992 Something in the way / hubris company vs a dato
1993 UBU-celzia krona / hubris company
1994 Murphy / hubris company

1995 code:QUTNXZ84/8Y / debris company

1995 Nobody knows / debris company
1997 Ode to filth / theatre la fabriks_du merlan vs debris company
1997 Biology of an obstacle / debris company
1998 Cosmidiot / debris company
2006 Soliloquy / debris company
2007 Dolcissime sirene / debris company
2007 Ortopoetikum / maja hriesik vs. debris company
2008 HEXEN / debris company
2010 Between a rock and a hard place / produced for MESA Prague
2010 MONO / debris company

SOFA: / presented by debris company
2012 power power dance / debris company_verte_anna steller
2012 Oblaky / martin cicvak_debris company
2012 KOLISKY_battle zone / debris company
2012 EPIC / debris company
2014 CLEAR / debris company

2015 ROOTS / debris company dance studio Banska Bystrica

2017 WOW! / debris company
2017 Únos Európy / debris company

2019 JÓB / debris company / Peter Lomnický
GLITCH / debris company

MONOGRAPH / debris company / Dáša Čiripová
2021 HUNGER / debris company



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